
The Foundation for Venous & Lymphatic Disease (FVLD), formerly the American College of Phlebology Foundation, was created to expand scientific knowledge, understanding and awareness of venous and lymphatic disease through investments in advocacy, research and education initiatives to improve patient quality of life. Through generous support, the FVLD has funded important achievements including: recognition of venous and lymphatic medicine as a self-designated specialty, the creation of the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine, fellowship programs across the nation, and CME Category 1 status from the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education for the American Vein & Lymphatic Society.

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Foundation for Venous & Lymphatic Disease (FVLD) to improve access to the highest quality care for patients with venous and/or lymphatic disease through investments in advocacy, research, and education.


In 2006 the FVLD (originally the American College of Phlebology Foundation) was formed to develop extraordinary investments to advance access to the highest quality of care in venous and lymphatic medicine.

The primary objective of the Foundation at the time of its creation was to invest in the development of a Medical Board for the Certification of physicians specializing in venous & lymphatic medicine. These investments have led to the development of the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine (www.abvlm.org) which has produced over 850 Diplomates, 4 Academic Fellowship programs, and in pursuit of recognition by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). The Foundation continues today to support funding for the development of new academic fellowship programs.

Around 2012 the Foundation made substantial investments to develop the country’s largest Patient Reported Outcomes Registry for Superficial Venous disease. It was recognized that the key to improving access to quality care, practice guidelines, and education of medical practitioners was the development of “big data” and more importantly the understanding of Patient Outcomes “their quality of life” for the procedures and treatments performed. Our latest investment in 2018 and 2019 has been to update and expand the PRO Registry to a more modern platform, that encompasses not only superficial venous disease treatment but also deep and pelvic disease. Ongoing investments are required to further expand the registry into Lymphedema as well as to support the research and publication of findings from the registry that will support our patient’s access to quality care.

Another major milestone in the history of the Foundation was the opportunity to invest in supporting the development of clinical practice guidelines along with supporting advocacy efforts to work with payors and policymakers in an effort to ensure patients have access to the highest quality of care.

Today the Foundation continues to financially support the field of venous and lymphatic medicine with investments into advocacy, research, and education.

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