Statement of Purpose:
The Finance Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial health of the organization and ensuring that its assets are protected, its resources are used properly, and the organization complies with all applicable laws and reporting requirements.
Staff Liaison: AVLS Executive Director
Statement of Purpose:
For any tax year in which this corporation has gross revenue of $2 million or more, this corporation shall appoint an Audit Committee responsible for the selection of an independent certified public accountant or public accounting firm to conduct an annual financial audit. The Audit Committee is also responsible for review of the annual financial audit for verification that the corporation’s financial affairs are in order.
Staff Liaison: AVLS Executive Director
Statement of Purpose:
The Nominating Committee is responsible for developing the slate of nominees for Officer and Board of Director positions for submission to the full Board of Directors for approval as described in the Bylaws of the Corporation.
Staff Liaison: AVLS Executive Director